Monday, September 14, 2015

Fall Season: Inspiration in Gold

X )

X ) by avajoy10 featuring white gold jewelry
With gold being this season's accent color it seemed only right to create an outfit with it. I am very excited with the shirt because it is fresh and quirky. The backpack pulls the whole outfit together by bringing some bling. I love the vintage black and white phone case. This outfit is a great way to start fall!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Summer Seaon: Mon-Fri Hair and Earings

Favorite Braids and Accessories

If you're like me, you can never decide how to wear your hair or what to put in it. So I put together some of my favorite hairstyles along with really cute earrings and some classy bows. We're wrapping up our summer season with this post and can't wait to dive into fall!